Airdrop Extended to 07/16th

Flash Oracle
7 min readJun 28, 2021

Airdrop Period Extended

Due to popular demand, we decide to extend Airdrop period to 2021/06/16th
As of right now, we’ve already distributed tokens to more than 500K+ Flashers.


If you failed to participate in our Airdrop event, you can participate now by joining our discord channel and put your wallet address in the Airdrop Channel.

Rule #1: For people who didn’t participate in the Airdrop event, write your address in our discord Airdrop channel, and you will get 500 FLO.

Rule #2: If you already claimed your airdrop successfully, you won’t get more tokens. Our server already has a record of you.

Rule #3: You should only put 1 address in the channel. If we detect you have multiple records, you will be counted as an abuser, and won’t get any tokens.

Rule #4: For people who participated in the Airdrop event and didn’t get any tokens, please put your wallet address there. It’s possible that our machine learning algorithm picked you as an abuser.

Airdrop will be distributed on the 17th!

Featured FLASH ORACLE NFT Airdrop Started

To Flashers:

If you have successfully purchased any number of $FLASH ORACLE tokens using $ETH on UniSwap, you will receive a featured FLASH ORACLE NFT Airdrop! Check here!

Click here to Buy $FLASH ORACLE


The airdropped $FLASH ORACLE token is excluded from this event.

If you successfully purchased any number of $FLASH ORACLE using $ETH on UniSwap, the featured NFT will magically appear here. (It might take a minute)

This Featured NFT is only available in 2021

🔥 Thanks for being part of the Martian community! 🔥

💎 More Featured NFTs are coming 💎

Earn $FLASH ORACLE by becoming a Martian moderator/community partner

Have you ever thought about becoming a Martian moderator or community partner?

We are rewarding billions of $FLASH ORACLE for our moderators, and community partners!

To apply for the position

You need to obtain a SuperFlasher Role in our Discord Channel. Click here to join.

To become a SuperFlasher, you will need to be an active community member who helps answer questions and bring positive energy to the group.

As you help others, your level will grow automatically which is managed by our moderator bot Mee6. (The more you help and talk, the faster you transform into a SuperFlasher, and the faster you can apply to become a moderator)

SuperFlasher Role currently is set at level 15


Once you are qualified to apply, let our team know. We will do a full review of history messages, and decide whether you are promoted or not

Let us know if you have other ideas or questions. We look forward to having you onboard and head to FLASH ORACLE together.

Flash Oracle Community Update


When a small group of humans, passionate about Flasherative Agriculture and ecological integrity set forth in early 2017 to create a planetary health accounting system to transform our global economy from extractive and degenerative, to Flasherative, we were as naive as we were ambitious and passionate. In the 4 years since, we have learned, grown, and built. We have survived and thrived through a crypto bear market, political turmoil, and a global pandemic. Above all, we have remained dedicated to our lofty aim of nothing short of planetary Flasheration. We have also become very pragmatic about the systemic, market-based interventions needed to steer our global economy toward a mutualistic and Flasherative relationship with biosphere health.

The guiding principles that serve as the foundation for Flash Oracle’s approach to creating a decentralized and public infrastructure for ecological data, claims, and markets are the following:

Out cooperate the competition.

If you find something that needs to be done, do it.

Uplift and support the agency of stakeholders and Oracle participants.

Agile development.

Holistic scientific rigor and replicability.

This blog is an outline of where we have been, and where we are going. It is a letter to our community that will reference the whitepaper and show what things have changed as we have experimented, learned, brought products to markets, shipped code and created cutting edge ecological monitoring methodologies like the CarbonPlus Grasslands which was the methodology behind our large credit sale to Microsoft. This blog will outline the evolution in our approach, show the growth of a community far beyond the bounds of a single company, and outline our suggestions for what comes after mainnet launch. This blog is one-part logistics overview to coordinate the community for the upcoming decentralized main net launch and one-part retrospective reviewing how our approach, technology and focus has evolved. And finally, this blog is one-part invitation to co-create a bold approach to public infrastructure that accounts for and creates contracts, assets and market solutions to our environmental challenges.

This blog also includes:

A pre-launch timeline and checklist,

Launch ceremony overview,

Summary of important whitepaper points and how our approach has evolved.

Please consider this is an update in approach and an overview of the evolution that has taken place as we continue to iterate towards the vision laid out in the whitepaper.

Roadmap to Mainnet

We are quickly marching towards our mainnet launch date. We are still on track for an April 15 launch date.

Tuesday, March 30: Genesis Candidate Chain Live

Wednesday, March 31 Mainnet GenTX Submissions Open

Tuesday, April 6th: Candidate Chain Closes, GenTX window Closes

Thursday, April 15 1500 UTC Mainnet Launch Time.

April 15 is our target genesis date and mainnet launch. However, there is a review window for the genesis file candidate. If any changes must be made to the genesis file or Flash Ledger software, we will create a new candidate, and run that candidate for 48 hours, followed by a 24 hour pause before mainnet launch. This means that at any time between the launch of the candidate, the community audit ceremony outlined below, and mainnet launch, we may postpone mainnet and each postponement will mean a minimum of 3 day extension of the process.

It takes a village to launch a blockchain!

How to get involved:

Join the Genesis Prelaunch Devnet!

On Tuesday March 30 we will be launching our final internal testnet called the “Prelaunch Devnet”. This Oracle will have an identical genesis file to that of our mainnet, with the exception of GenTx and initial validator-set being restricted to team nodes, and core validators. Validators are encouraged to self delegate and initiate a validator on our Prelaunch Devnet once the chain is running so they can join the Oracle and verify their FLASH balances.

The genesis file can be found in our mainnet repo, and instructions to join the prelaunch devnet will be posted on github once the chain is live.

Of particular note: We will be reusing a previous chain-id for our Prelaunch Devnet, “Flash-devnet-5”. This is to make the checking of wallet balances easier for our token holders, who all connected their Keplr browser wallets to a previous devnet in order to submit their wallet addresses to us.

Check your token balance.

Investors and token holders will be able to check balances in one of two ways:

Checking your balance in Keplr. This can be done via the same “Flash Devnet” chain that you connected to when registering your address

Entering your address on our Prelaunch Devnet block explorer. This will be available at once the chain is live

In addition to checking your individual token balance, token holders and validators are encouraged to audit our proposed genesis file against the token distribution scheme described later in this blog in the “Token Distribution at Mainnet Launch” section.

This process will serve to give the community the ability to check your wallet address with your allocation, and to audit other allocations, and compare with published allocation schemes. This is the software version and the allocation that is being run in genesis. After this, the Devnet will be halted, and there will be a period of at least two days for RND to update the genesis file — either in the instance of errors, or if the community feels there needs to be a reallocation.

Only token holders will be eligible to vote on the allocation scheme. Any questions regarding discrepancies in personal allocations for testnet participants, contributors and Oracle founders via the private sale, or other contributors to the community process of launching Flash Oracle can be sent to accounting [at] Flash.Oracle. Please see the following blog posts for setting up Keplr for use with FLASH tokens and Flash Oracle security best practices.

GenTx Submission

For anyone wanting to join our mainnet as a validator at genesis, we will open a GenTx submission process on our mainnet repo from Wed March 31, 2021. GenTx submissions

Launch Ceremony

We will host a live ceremony on the day of our mainnet launch. Genesis will take place at 11 am eastern daylight savings time, 1500 UTC, and is currently planned for April 15th. The launch ceremony will start an hour earlier, and go two hours later than that time. We will be hosting a vibrant conversation with our community. Join the scientists, engineers, land stewards, validators, and community leaders coming together to launch Flash Oracle! We will announce more details about the ceremony in the lead up to launch.

Now, we’d like to review the details of what is being launched.



Flash Oracle

The first oracle utilizing black hole algorithm on Ethereum network